Risk Non Compliant Parts

Using non-compliant 3D printed parts can pose a significant risk in various ways. These parts may not meet the required quality standards or may not be designed to withstand the intended use, which can lead to failure or malfunctioning of the product. This, in turn, can cause serious injury or
harm to the user, damage to property, or financial loss to the manufacturer.

  1. Safety risks: 3D printed parts that are not compliant with industry standards or regulations may not have the same structural integrity or durability as their compliant counterparts, which could lead to safety risks.
  2. Quality risks: Non-compliant 3D printed parts may not meet the required specifications for accuracy, surface finish, or other quality parameters, leading to defects or product failures.
  3. Reputation risks: Using non-compliant 3D printed parts could damage the reputation of a company, especially if their products fail or are found to be non-compliant with regulations.

Overall, it is important to ensure that any 3D printed parts are compliant with industry standards
and regulations to minimize risks and ensure the safety and quality of the final product.